Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Energy Policy
We, as the employers of COPA, promise to protect any adopted principles and reflect them into all our activities and ways of doing business and to provide all necessary information and resources to achieve our objectives and goals.
All our employees including our top managers have the joint responsibility of keeping any possible occupational accident risks and any adverse environmental impacts under control, of continuously improvement of energy efficiency and of creating a healthy and safe work environment.
Our Fundamental Principles for Environment and Occupational Health and Safety:
To evaluate relevant applicable legal requirements for Occupational Health and Safety hazards, environmental dimensions, energy use and consumption and to maintain the compliance with these requirements
To raise the awareness of all our stakeholders especially our employees and suppliers
To provide a healthy and safe work environment for the protection of the health of our employees and the prevention of occupational accidents
To keep under control and reduce the amount of waste especially sheet metal and rubber wastes resulting from the production and support activities carried out in our company
To use resources in an efficient manner
To encourage and support the studies required for the improvement of energy consumption and efficiency in our existing and new processes, machines and equipment
To ensure continuous improvement of our Environment, Energy and Occupational Health performance