Social Compliance Policy
As Copa Heating Systems, we have adopted the principle of acting at every stage of production and management by focusing on our employees. Our social compliance policy includes standards based on our basic principles and values together with all our business partners. Our goal is to make all these standards mentioned within Copa Heating Systems a corporate culture.
In all our activities based on the International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, SA 8000 Social Responsibility/Compliance Standard, amfori BSCI Code of Conduct and national laws, etc., we act in accordance with the Prevention of Child Labor and Child and Youth Employment procedures and principles and do not employ employees under the age of 15 within the framework of the protection of children from all kinds of abuse, their healthy development and institutional respect for their right to education.
We support the employment of young workers for educational purposes.
Recruitment, Regular Employment: In order to ensure the continuity of social compliance requirements, we accept technical and professional knowledge as well as compliance with company rules and the company's social compliance conditions as necessary and important criteria during recruitment and selection of employees. We undertake that the principle of equality among equals, discrimination, and harassment-mistreatment prevention policies will be valid starting from the recruitment phase and in the compensation, performance, and employment contract processes. Regular employment and social security of employees will be provided.
Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor: We pay attention to the fact that employment is based on a voluntary basis and we do not employ forced workers under any circumstances. We undertake not to apply physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment and not to resort to illegal practices such as withholding original identity documents and passports, not to employ contracted, debt-based, fugitive, convict, forced or involuntary workers, and to comply with the voluntary principle in overtime implementation.
Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety: We accept the priority goal of creating a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees and minimizing any loss that may occur. We make legal regulations and OHS culture a lifestyle in the fields of Work, Occupational Health and Safety. We effectively improve OHS practices according to technical developments and innovations, adopt a proactive approach in all activities, ensure the participation of all employees in occupational health and safety practices, and adopt a working system that prioritizes the general health of employees. We provide continuous training to our employees on this subject.
Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining: We respect our employees' right to become members of a union and to bargain collectively, and their right to be represented in a free and democratic manner through employee representatives.
Prevention of Discrimination: We take care not to discriminate among employees in terms of age, gender, race, religion, language, ancestry, ethnic and national origin, social class, sexual orientation, belief, marital, social or economic status, disability, political opinion, participation in and membership in union activities, family responsibilities, illness, pregnancy or military service status or any other condition that may cause discrimination. We also ensure that remuneration, social assistance, promotion, dismissal and disciplinary practices are carried out accordingly.
Prevention of Discipline / Mistreatment and Harassment: Takes the peace of the working environment and the happiness of employees as basis. We treat all employees with respect and dignity, undertake to respect the dignity and personality of our employees, do not impose institutional punishment, do not allow verbal, physical, psychological harassment, pressure, threats or coercion.
Working Hours: We determine working hours in a manner befitting a human being, based on the efficient working principle and the laws and obligations in force. We comply with the voluntary principle in overtime and ensure that overtime working hours comply with legal periods and customer standards.
Wages and Payments: We make normal and overtime payments determined by laws and collective labor agreements, and do not pay wages below the minimum wage. We undertake to provide social assistance to our employees as determined in the collective labor agreement, to determine and pay the minimum wage to be paid to employees at a level that will meet the minimum standard of living in our region, and to continuously improve the conditions in this regard.
Environmental Protection: We aim to manage the environmental impacts that may arise from all our activities with a sense of responsibility, to comply with the environmental legislation in force, to prevent and reduce environmental pollution at its source based on environmental dimensions and impact assessment. We aim to use energy, water and other natural resources efficiently as a result of our continuous improvement studies, and to minimize our impact on the environment by implementing environmentally friendly policies and standards as Copa Heating Systems.